2008年12月11日 星期四

Evidence Based Scheduling - Joel on Software

Software developers don’t really like to make schedules. Usually, they try to get away without one. “It’ll be done when it’s done!” they say, expecting that such a brave, funny zinger will reduce their boss to a fit of giggles, and in the ensuing joviality, the schedule will be forgotten.

[From Evidence Based Scheduling - Joel on Software]


前兩天在 Appleinsider Forum 裡面看到一段話


"10.6 is the first release that Steve promised us at NeXT, after the merger back in the spring of 1997. It just took 12 years to actually reach this starting point. The decade and more in-between was the pacification and business realities of the day Steve didn't count on when himself, Avie, Forstall and the rest of us at NeXT were discussing at the last official NeXT company meeting."


