2010年2月18日 星期四

We’re the Stupid Ones: Facebook, Google, and Our Failure as Developers

This coincides with what my initial thoughts were when I saw the iPad keynote.

These people have better things to do with their days than tweaking out the spacing in their browser toolbars. A computer for them is a utility. One that is increasingly complex, and one that is used because it’s the only option for accomplishing certain things – not because it’s a good option.

It’s kind of like the Photoshop Problem: when people want to crop a picture, we give them Photoshop. Photoshop is a behemoth application with nearly every image editing and touchup function imaginable, and it is terribly complex. Now Photoshop is an impressive tool, but only a very tiny percentage people need the power it offers. The vast majority just want to crop their ex-husband from the photo and let their friends look at it. But even iPhoto, the poster child for Apps So Easy Your Grandparents Can Use Them, continues to pile on features and complexity.

When folks need an elevator, we should give them an elevator, not an airplane. We’ve been giving them airplanes for 30 years, and then laughing at them for being too stupid to fly them right.

I think we’re the stupid ones.

[From funkatron.com : We’re the Stupid Ones: Facebook, Google, and Our Failure as Developers ]

2010年2月8日 星期一

微软亚洲研究院 电脑对联


[From 微软亚洲研究院 电脑对联 ]


















2010年2月5日 星期五

Mule Design Studio's Blog: The Failure of Empathy

This is really scary upon first read.

I went back for a second helping of Avatar this Sunday. There’s a scene early on in the movie where one of the scientists walks across the lab carrying the “mobile computer slab of the future.” We’ve seen one of these in almost every sci-fi movie of the last 50 years. It comes free with a jetpack, I suppose. Except this time, one month later, my 12 year old son turns to me and whispers “Look Dad, it’s an iPad.”

[From Mule Design Studio's Blog: The Failure of Empathy]

The diagram in the passage really said it all. More computer users will appreciate what is becoming of the future of computing. Yes, you should just *IGNORE* the geeks, because after all, logic and reasoning are acquired skills, they don't belong to human nature and will remain a minority in population.

2010年2月4日 星期四

From the Archives: A Revealing Interview With Steve Jobs : Rolling Stone

That's from Steve Jobs in 1994, and look what he has done today. The hardware is a bonus, the key is really the software.

The problem is, in hardware you can't build a computer that's twice as good as anyone else's anymore. Too many people know how to do it. You're lucky if you can do one that's one and a third times better or one and a half times better. And then it's only six months before everybody else catches up. But you can do it in software. As a matter of fact, I think that the leap that we've made is at least five years ahead of anybody.

[From From the Archives: A Revealing Interview With Steve Jobs : Rolling Stone]

But in the end, OO hasn't taken over the world yet (ok, it is a tad easier to write with NS* than CF*, but that's not what he had described back then).