That's how software front-ends should be designed too, not by some database people 1,000 km away from the lusers.
To me, a great service emerges from a deep understanding of the way that people will interact with it, the way their lives work and the way that it will become part of their lives. From the way it will be useful to them, in other words. If they’re going to have to use a computer to interact with the service, it’s vital to understand what kind of computer they are going to be using, where they will be using it and, crucially, how much time they have to spend.
[From The Concept *is* the Execution « Made by Many]
You cannot design a great service without an obsessional focus on the details. Deny that and I’m likely to get all executional on your ass.
To be more specific to what I mean by "software front-end", I mean that the way we design the part that interacts with the users (not only the UI, also the data exchange, preparation part) should take the users' workflow into consideration. When 2 buttons confuse the user, we should consolidate them into a single button without ambiguous meaning, or hide enough details to let users complete a workflow without knowing too much beyond what the workflow requires them to know.