2005年12月11日 星期日

Pecker, a movie about Photography

CameraQuest 有一篇關於攝影的影評,這部電影叫做 Pecker。講的是一個小鎮青年拍照成名的故事。

Review 裡面有一段話讓我覺得蠻有趣的:
This reminds me of the story about the photographer who for years happily took pictures of his family and surroundings -- always being told how beautiful his pic were and how gifted a photog he was.
At last he built up the courage take his pics to photo galleries and photography reps.
They were unanimous, his pics weren't good enough, interesting enough to be of any value.
Crestfallen, he returned home with his new knowledge.
Realizing that he didn't know what he was doing and he wasn't talented enough, he put his camera and pictures away so not to embarrass himself and stopped taking pictures.
Before visiting the professionals, he was didn't know his pictures were so bad -- all he had to go on was his friends and family who loved them.
A famous literary story is very similar.
He became famous after his death, and has been published ever since.
You might have heard of him, Franz Kafka.


