awk 'BEGIN{total=0} {total += $1} END{print total}'
2010年11月12日 星期五
2010年11月11日 星期四
And they fixed it in 10.6.5
The crash that happened in my last blog post has been fixed with 10.6.5. Hurray!
Also, I think this release is a good one, "Top Sites" in Safari became snappier, I now use the small setting so it's like an image wall.
2010年11月7日 星期日
SystemPreference Screensaver/Wallpaper keeps crashing! *ANGRY*
I was meddling with some new wallpapers today when I noticed that after I've opened the ScreenSaver/Wallpaper preference pane, it crashes after approximately 10 secs. Searching the net seems to indicate that this might be a plist issue, mostly pointing to
But, that wasn't the issue. I spent about an hour trying to figure out which plist was causing the crash, since if I move all*
plists out of the usual place, the pref pane stays and runs smoothly. At last, it came down to
, which is a file indicating the various exported databases for iLife suite and iTunes.
I assume that the pref pane program crashed when trying to read
. Unfortunately, I don't have any proper solution right now other than wait for Apple to fix the pref pane. There is a work-aroun though. Remove
before you modify any Screensaver/Wallpaper, the plist will be automatically re-created next time you run iPhoto. This might affect iWeb from retrieving media library from iPhoto and iTunes though.